“What do I want to do with my life?” the ever-wary college student contemplates as he moves one day closer to graduation day. Doubt creeps into his mind as he realizes that he will soon move into a world where he will have to steer his own ship. He knows he doesn’t have complete control over the future as there are just too many variables to account for. Worry is a major problem for this young man, and represents the Devil trying to sneak into his world and tempt him not to trust in the awesome planning powers of our Lord.
As with the student, we don’t have control of the entire format of the future. We must put our faith in God and in God’s ability to attract the right people to us at the right times. For long-term plans and guidance are nice, but even more righteous is our ability to confront any adversity that the Devil may bring into our world. In this case, worry is the main mode of transportation for the devil.
How do we combat the worry that we face in an ever more secular society? Well, I can offer a few bits of advice that I saw on a t-shirt a little while back. The t-shirt was on a stranger walking by, and immediately caught my attention so much so, that I asked the person to stand still. I wanted to write down the message on the back of the shirt. The shirt had a USB port on the front with a USB cord running along the right backside of the shirt that was attached to the following words:
“Up Grade
your schedule
I thought that this was one of the clearest messages that I had ever seen. The message was that by becoming more involved in our own lives and solidifying our own values, then we could in turn up-grade our own life. I think the message that God wanted me to take from this shirt was that I should not worry when I am in his arms; by upgrading my faith, hope, and outlook to a more solid standard, then I shall not be tempted by the doubt that surrounds me in the secular world.
As such, I have been doing the above for a very long time. I am often asked on a daily basis why I don’t worry so much. My answer always is that God knows where I’m going, and I do not fear where his shepherd-like hands will take me to as long as I know he is with me. I hope you also realize that God is with you always as long as you put your faith in yourself, and you accept that whatever may happen will be fine as long is God is alongside you.
If you ever find yourself falling into doubt, remind yourself of how lucky you are by reciting the following passage from Psalm 23:
“The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever. “
I hope all of you continue to trust in the power of the lord and continue to be comforted by his guiding force.