If there were one single thing that my parents have taught me, it's that gifts and talent are useless if they are kept to yourself. Consequently, service has be...
Last week, I bought David Kinnaman's book UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity... And Why It Matters. I've seen it floating aroun...
It took me until March of this year to reach that often ignored book of the Bible, Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs, depending on your translation). Growing up...
In life, I’ve had few challenges finding like-minded people with which to surround myself. (It helps that my parents are pretty devout Christians and we’ve been...
In reading over Jordan's most recent post, I was saddened by her confession that she is a "coward." Her post was an excellent one, and discussed many things tha...
I live out in the middle of nowhere. It's a great transition from the urban environment that I usually inhabit when I'm up in Cambridge--it's quiet, it's peacef...
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me...
Exams are stressful. So is living with other people. I've come to learn that, in addition to death and taxes, fights and conflict with roommates and friends are...
In the most recent issue of the Ichthus, student writer Tony Shen takes up the issue of boldness and Christianity--namely, the question of how one can or should...
Here at Harvard, we're now approaching the end of the term. It's usually around this time that I really start losing my motivation, where hours that should be s...