*This post may set a record for length here on the Fish Tank! This is due in part to combining posts from two authors together here (see the first post here), ...
*Flowing out of previous exchanges that Joseph Porter and I have had over the meaning and significance of baptism this past year, we mutually decided that it mi...
I have been laboring to demonstrate in this series that Jesus specializes in turning all expectations about his own person and mission wildly upside down. Jesu...
Good books should be reread throughout our lives for an assortment of reasons. One particular consideration that ought to drive us into the cultivation of this...
“The cross is laid on every Christian. The first Christ-suffering which every man must experience is the call to abandon the attachments of this world. It is th...
Throughout the gospel of Matthew there exists a steadily mounting anticipation of Jesus’ coming enthronement as the king of Israel, in fulfillment of the prophe...
The earliest Christians who followed Jesus’ teachings and confessed him as Lord (over all!) were thoroughgoing imperialists. All signs point unanimously to thi...
“Faith is being exalted so high today that men are being satisfied with any kind of faith, just so it is faith. It makes no difference what is believed, we are ...
Over the holidays I sat down to read through George Lindbeck’s justly famous The Nature of Doctrine, published in 1984. Rarely can I remember a book stirring u...
“…the relation of the to the truth of his story still remains a far more passionate and definite one than is Homer’s relation. The Biblical narrator was oblig...