In a dream, an angel utters this to Jonas, the main character in the short film, Ichthus.
He awakens and begins searching in his native country of the Philippi...
A poll conducted by The New York Times in the middle of the preceding decade discovered that more than seventy percent of self-identified Catholics deny the doc...
As a Roman Catholic theologian studying ecumenism, I'm sometimes asked by friends, students, and even strangers on planes the question, "So what is that?" I exp...
A Defense of Christian Truth in a Pluralistic Culture
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. It is the power of God
for the salvation of everyone who believes: for...
Richard Dawkins does not believe in God, and he thinks that you shouldn't either. In fact, if you do believe in God, he thinks that it is probably because you a...
Renegotiating Christian Identity
According to popular stereotypes, there are two kinds of Christians in America. The first is the liberal Christian. The liberal...
Children of Men. Dir. Alfonso Cuarón. Universal, 2006.
London, 2027: the world is a depressing place, devoid of the laughter of children. Everyone in the world ...
Blood Diamond. Dir. Edward Zwick. Warner Bros., 2006.
After seeing Blood Diamond, I was swept up in a rush of strong emotions, like most others who have seen th...