I graduated from Harvard five years ago this year, and have been living in China for about a year. I thought it would be interesting to blog about the church in...
The cover for the Fall 2014 issue of the Ichthus was specially designed by a guest artist and student from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Below is the a...
The following are texts I'm suggesting for fellow (Christian) travelers this summer. Some are novels, some aren't; some are books, some aren't. The only unifyin...
The Grand Inquisitor in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is Ivan Karamazov’s (a rank materialist and atheist) tale to Alyosha (a young Christian mystic) of ...
Biblical scholar Michael Graves sets out to retrieve the wisdom of the Church Fathers in his 2014 book The Inspiration and Interpretation of Scripture: What the...
The precise meaning of סֶלָה (selah) still escapes modern and ancient Hebrew scholars alike. The word is used primarily in Psalms and appears to be a musical t...
Have you ever seen The Matrix? Even if you haven’t, the premise is well known: what if the world around us were just a simulation? What if we were just brains b...
I wonder what looks my fellow drivers tossed my way when I pulled up to a stoplight with my speakers blaring not the latest Taylor Swift hit, but rather a didac...
Sometimes I hear people cite their belief in modern science as a reason to reject belief in God. One of the many reasons this perplexes me is that scientific fi...
Having faith in some religion is a bit naive for a Harvard student, don’t you think? At this point in history, one could argue, we understand enough about the o...