At first Harold Kushner could not find a publisher. Initially, the publishing establishment in New York did not think there would be a market for When Bad Thin...
I was watching Watership Down, the animated film last week in mourning for my two bunnies - Moonbun, whom I had to give up after fostering for a semester, and M...
“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence….emember that the devil is a lia...
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whethe...
Today is the ninth of June in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and ten.
One year ago on this day, Samir Paul started The Fish Tank, the blog of the Harvard Ic...
In light of Judith's post, it seems appropriate to give a response from the opposite side. Although my beliefs have become increasingly moderate with the growth...
Well, if you just look at this girl, you would quite easily come to the conclusion that she is liberal. I mean, come on. I wear flowers in my hair. I steal unna...
“There is no such thing as excess in our taking of this spiritual food. There is no such virtue as temperance in spiritual feasting.” --Jonathan Edwards, “The...
The Dartmouth Apologia - Christianity and the Modern World - Peter Blair very reasonably explains how current atheists in the public sphere owe Christianity the...