Dmitri Dmitrich Gurov leads a double life. The protagonist of Anton Chekhov’s short story The Lady with the Dog stretches himself between two places. In Moscow...
Light falls quietly in the cathedral in León, Spain, pooling on the smooth stone ground in deep red and blue and yellow pockets. The ceiling is high and vaulte...
There is an ancient principle in the Catholic Church: lex orandi, lex credendi. People often take this to mean that there is some vague identity between our pr...
Yann Martel’s fictional account of the extraordinary life of Piscine (Pi) Molitor Patel begins in the small Indian town of Pondicherry, when a backpacking writ...
Today’s Advent Reading:
USCCB — December 18th
Perhaps it is unsurprising that Augustine didn’t believe in ghosts. (That is, he didn’t believe in ghosts tha...
Last night it happened again. As I was praying, drifting off to sleep, I began babbling in nonsense syllables. “Get out of bed!” whispered a voice within me. “Y...
"I had my back to the light and my face towards the things which are illuminated. So my face, by which I was enabled to see the things lit up, was not itself il...
“In America I saw the freest and most enlightened men placed in the happiest circumstances that the world affords, it seemed to me as if a cloud habitually hung...
"You burst my bonds asunder, and to you will I offer a sacrifice of praise. May my heart and tongue give praise to you, and all my bones cry out their question...
As an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, I shared the enthusiasm of many when the large-scale movies began appearing during my college and grad...