Genesis 12:1-12:9 The Call of Abraham
Last week, I attended the Biologos conference (their website, has been regularly referred to thus far). I'm s...
Genesis 11:1-11:8 Babel
So I'm giving up. After my article was published on Christianity Today, I've gotten dozens of emails that seem to need more urgent respo...
Genesis 6:15-9:17 Noah and the Flood
Because I'm so behind in the series, I've decided to skip a couple weeks. I promise to fill in the gaps in the coming weeks...
Introduction to Genesis
Let me start by saying that I am the least qualified of all people to write a series on the book of Genesis. I am no scholar. This is...
Everyone has a favorite teacher. We’ve all learned quite a bit along the way, which means someone taught us, and, inevitably, some were better at teaching than ...
One of my favorite parts from The Brothers Karamazov (so far) is when Father Zosima is talking to the peasants who have come from far and wide to seek his couns...
Continuing with the theme of things my high school friends have told me:
Another friend of mine once said to me, “You know, Joe, I’m not very religious.” I r...
I originally wasn't planning on writing multiple posts about infant baptism, but Richard Beck's kindly saying that he was eager to follow my thoughts on the m...
Given all the recent brouhaha about baptism on The Fish Tank (for which I am largely responsible), a friend of mine expressed her concern with the lack of bro...
Over the past few months I’ve been reading through the Psalms—just a few a night just before I go to bed. It had been a while since I’d last read them through, ...