Today’s reading comes from Luke 18:9-34 (NJB):
9 He spoke the following parable to some people who prided themselves on being upright and despised everyone e...
I am increasingly realizing that pride is not a sin of ambition, but a sin of delusion. This is a valuable revelation to me, for pride is my greatest tempta...
As we continue our deep theological study and noble quest for insight into the radiant Truth, I think it is important to remember what J.I. Packer writes in Kno...
I have a problem: I’m terribly prideful. When I sit down to consider my life, I’m filled with a sort of warm, complacent glow at the thought that I’m such a bri...
When I was about fifteen, I wrote an essay entitled “The gods are unjust” about Oedipus Rex, the ancient play by Sophocles – it is one of the great Greek Traged...
Well, if you just look at this girl, you would quite easily come to the conclusion that she is liberal. I mean, come on. I wear flowers in my hair. I steal unna...
Several times, people have asked me how their lives would change if they became Christians - besides the whole church thing, of course. (Conversely, many Christ...