Today’s passage is John 1:1-28 (NRSV):
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in t...
40 Days in John is a blog project of the Harvard Ichthus, a student journal of Christian thought and expression. Our blog will host reflections, commentary, and...
As my eyes glance around Widener's reading room, admiring the seemingly endless rows of bookshelves and the large empty space, I realize I've never felt so clau...
There are events that happen in our lives that test our patience, emotions, and ultimately, our faith and trust in the Lord. One such event includes President D...
Hail to the Lord's Anointed, great David's greater Son!
Hail in the time appointed, his reign on earth begun!
He comes to break oppression, to set the captive...
Today's Advent Reading:
USCCB - December 21st
The finals are over, and most of us are headed home with hearts finally free of burden to fully participate i...
Today's Advent Reading:
USCCB - December 20th
Advent is a time when we can appreciate Jesus’ value by thinking on his absence. Apart from God, we sit in da...
Today's Advent Reading:
USCCB - December 15th
Today’s readings again focus heavily on John the Baptist. As I reflect on the meaning of Jesus’s words about ...
Today's Advent Reading:
USCCB - December 14th
Today’s first reading opens with a poetic representation of the active coming of goodness: “Let justice desce...
Today's Advent Reading:
USCCB - December 11th
There’s a quotation that occasionally pops up in my Facebook news feed. It’s spoken by a college professor an...