In a word, because I want them to be good. Righteous. Heroic. Selfless. Lovers of justice and mercy. Haters of every distinct form of oppressive corruption...
It is often argued that the doctrine that the Hebrew Bible is the inspired word of God is logically and morally untenable. The following argument is typical of...
To start, we'd like to apologize for taking a while to get to the third installment of this series. As you can imagine, the last weeks of the semester are very ...
I am a doofus and turned in my laptop for repairs at FAS IT before uploading my blog post. So please forgive me - the "I Take Issue With" series will take off s...
Hello from St Louis, Missouri! It's been an interesting trip - and this is my last leg before I head back to Boston! God has been very good to me. Also, at the ...
After perusing the latest issue of the Ichthus, I had some reflections on Nick Nowalk's latest feature "On Not Being Narrow-Minded." Nick focuses heavily on the...
Courage and cruelty, honor and horror, miraculous escapes and damning coincidences are the stuff of film and novel, but also — at singular moments of history, f...
I recently discovered a wonderful blog, written by Stanley Fish for the New York Times. The first article that I read, “Why Do Writers Write?”, was an intriguin...