Sensible shoes, newly purchased Harvard shirts, and the placebo shutter of a smartphone camera… I’ve become part of the photographable attraction for yet anoth...
Today's Reading: Matthew 15:1-28
Exactly a week and a day ago, at 9:07 p.m., I was eating ramen with one hand and typing my junior paper with the other. I wa...
In early December, the Catholic Herald ran an article in response to one of the Pope’s statements to the Pontifical Academies entitled “Papa Franciscu...
This time of year, you hear it all the time: “Do you want to go do such-and-such fun thing tonight?” “No, sorry, I’m writing a thesis.” “Let’s have lunch someti...
Imperfection everywhere.
God's creation is very good - but not perfect. Our bodies age and rot; our homes and belongings perish. Moth and rust destroy; t...
I have always been depressed by the idea of being merely a "pretty good" person. Before I was a Christian, I identified myself only according to characteristics that I considered wholly good (and even noble) - the parts of me that appreciated things outside of myself that I thought were good, like nature or another person. That was the "real" me, but I had no way of reconciling this desire for goodness with poorer components in my character, such as selfishness.