Sensible shoes, newly purchased Harvard shirts, and the placebo shutter of a smartphone camera… I’ve become part of the photographable attraction for yet anoth...
I had already been to a Church service that day and I bowed my head to pray for the second time “Lord, we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep....
Porn isn’t harming anyone else, right? As long as I keep it to myself, nobody gets hurt. It’s just between me and … myself.
That is what we might t...
In a certain village, there lived a princess named Psyche who was so beautiful that she received worship from her people as a goddess. Angered, the goddess of l...
One of the questions that many people often ask Catholics is, “Who do you need to confess your sins to a priest to receive forgiveness? Can’t I go directly to G...
Today's reading is John 19:1-27 (NIV):
Jesus Sentenced to Be Crucified.
1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a cr...
I am twenty-two, and I do not have sex. Though I find it quite difficult, I strive to avoid all lustful thoughts and actions. In honor of Harvard’s Sex Week, I ...
If you've taken a look at our recent print issue (theme: "Confessions"), you may have found yourself somewhat confused about what exactly confession is, or what...
It is increasingly hard for me to believe in a loving God. Not because I look around at my life and see pain and suffering, but because I look at who I am and r...
I am increasingly realizing that pride is not a sin of ambition, but a sin of delusion. This is a valuable revelation to me, for pride is my greatest tempta...