Hello people! Having meandered around the top bit of the Midwest, I made it to Chicago, Windy City (for its politics, not its wind, though there is literal wind here too) and a little bit of Indiana that is just outside of Chicago. But enough about me:
Irreligious – Epistemology and god: Rationalists are from Mars, Empiricists are from Venus (3) –
Terence Lee writes his third post on ‘“Epistemology and God”, an ongoing series of essays on the theory of knowledge and how it relates to God’.
ONGs on the way – Japanese husbands, love your wives… – The Ongs, who are (full disclosure) my cousins, write about the Japanese stereotype of the Male Chauvinist Husband, and how a couple of Japanese pastors honor their wives.
World Traveler – “For the Sake of my Brothers” – The writer talks about Paul (and other Biblical characters’) Messianic statements – that is, offering their own damnation in exchange for their brothers’ salvation.